Thai Stretch Massage

This is a ‘head to toe’ holistic treatment, using my body-weight, hands, elbows, knees and even feet to ‘massage’ and by placing your body in certain positions, I can apply deeper, more effective pressure.
Based similar techniques in which you will find from a Thai Yoga massage, except instead of massage that is floor based, the techniques are integrated into a couch-massage practice. It is dynamic, sequence of flowing movements using joint manipulation, stretching, compression work and Thai acupressure.
The treatment is non-evasive, you will be fully clothed in comfortable, stretchy wear. If you are familiar with yoga and cannot quite complete a certain stretch or pose, this treatment will encourage you to do so to get your optimum results for your yoga practise.
The massage will benefit specific muscular-skeletal issues such as lower back pain, sciatic pain, shoulder and neck problems. It focuses on Thai massage techniques where you also can be in a side-lying position, and so is particularly useful when working on those who are uncomfortable on their back or front (e.g. pregnant women or people with breathing difficulties)
Because Thai massage involves yoga poses and massage therapy at the same time, the results are combined to bring better balance in the body, leaving you feeling energised and relaxed and giving you the best stretch you’re had for a long time increasing overall flexibility!